List of all West Berkshire memorials recorded on this site

AldermastonChurch RoadLych gateWB511
AldermastonSt Mary the Virgin churchyardCWGC Marker (Scutter)WB196
AldermastonSt Mary the Virgin churchyardCWGC Marker (Harold)WB197
AldermastonSt Mary's ChurchOrnate gilded wooden plaqueWB285
AldermastonSt Mary's ChurchStone TabletWB416
AldworthSt Mary's ChurchPlaque in Church wallWB002
AldworthSt Mary's ChurchPlaque in ChurchWB003
AldworthSt Mary's ChurchBattlefield cross (Pinfold)WB004
AldworthSt Mary's ChurchStained glass windowWB501
AshampsteadSt Clement's ChurchStone tablet in churchWB158
AshampsteadSt Clement's ChurchyardCWGC Marker (Courtnell)WB177
AshampsteadSt Clement's ChurchyardCWGC Marker (Sparks)WB178
Beech HillSt Mary the Virgin churchyardCWGC Marker (Englefield)WB304
Beech HillVillage HallWooden panelWB302
Beech HillVillage HallFramed roll of honour (cross-stitch)WB303
BeedonSt Nicholas' ChurchStone cross in churchyard extensionWB062
BeedonSt Nicholas' ChurchCWGC Marker (Bosley)WB063
BeedonSt Nicholas' ChurchGrave (Birkenshaw)WB064
BeenhamBack LaneMemorial HallWB510
BeenhamSt Mary's ChurchPlaque in churchWB039
BeenhamSt Mary's ChurchBrass plaque.WB315
BeenhamSt Mary's ChurchyardStone crossWB038
BoxfordOn roadside by St Andrew's ChurchGranite cross, bronze plaquesWB005
BoxfordSt Andrew's ChurchCWGC Marker (Chandler)WB144
BoxfordSt Andrew's ChurchCWGC Marker (Hetherington)WB145
BoxfordSt Andrew's ChurchStone CrossWB146
BradfieldJunction of Union Rd and Southend RdConcrete cross, stone tabletsWB006
BradfieldSt Andrew's ChurchBrass plaqueWB207
BradfieldSt Andrew's ChurchBrass plaqueWB208
BradfieldSt Andrew's ChurchStained glass windowWB209
BradfieldSt Andrew's Church Framed roll of honourWB301
BradfieldSt Andrew's ChurchyardGrave, CWGC (Cox)WB210
BradfieldSt Andrew's ChurchyardGrave, CWGC (Cox)WB211
BradfieldSt Andrew's ChurchyardCWGC Marker (Knapp)WB212
BradfieldSt Andrew's ChurchyardGrave, CWGC (Radford-Norcop)WB213
BradfieldSt Andrew's ChurchyardGrave, CWGC (Sills)WB214
BrightwaltonAll Saints' ChurchFramed roll of honourWB175
BrightwaltonAll Saints' ChurchBrass plaque in churchWB176
BrightwaltonJunction of Common Lane and road to churchStone crossWB174
BrimptonJunction Church Lane & Brimpton RdGranite crossWB001
BrimptonSt Peter's ChurchRoll of HonourWB372
BrimptonSt Peter's ChurchyardFamily grave (Baker)WB355
BuckleburySt Mary's ChurchMarble plaque on interior wallWB007
BuckleburySt Mary's ChurchWooden panel in churchWB008
BuckleburySt Mary's churchyardCoped stone (Kermack)WB199
BurghfieldSt Mary's ChurchStone tablet in churchWB159
BurghfieldSt Mary's ChurchStone tablet in churchWB160
BurghfieldSt Mary's churchBook of remembranceWB186
BurghfieldSt Mary's churchStained glass windowWB193
BurghfieldSt Mary's churchBrass plaque in churchWB194
BurghfieldSt Mary's churchyardStone crossWB185
BurghfieldSt Mary's churchyardCWGC Marker (Brown)WB187
BurghfieldSt Mary's churchyardCWGC Marker (Burgoyne)WB188
BurghfieldSt Mary's churchyardCWGC Marker (Day)WB189
BurghfieldSt Mary's churchyardCWGC Marker (Duffin)WB190
BurghfieldSt Mary's churchyardCWGC Marker (Donnachie)WB191
BurghfieldSt Mary's churchyardBench (Donnachie)WB192
ChaddleworthJunction of A338 and road to Woolley ParkStone crossWB152
ChaddleworthMount Lane (near junction with Sheephouse WayStone crossWB157
ChaddleworthSt Andrew's ChurchMarble plaqueWB162
ChaddleworthSt Andrew's ChurchBattlefield cross (Wroughton)WB163
ChaddleworthSt Andrew's ChurchStone tablet in churchWB164
ChaddleworthSt Andrew's ChurchyardFamily grave/CWGC (Holland)WB305
ChieveleySt Mary's ChurchStone crossWB056
ChieveleySt Mary's ChurchCWGC Marker (Bowman)WB057
ChieveleySt Mary's ChurchGrave, CWGC (Cann)WB058
ChieveleySt Mary's ChurchGrave, CWGC (Johnson)WB059
ChieveleySt Mary's ChurchCWGC Marker (Taylor)WB060
Cold AshSt Mark's ChurchWooden crucifix with two metal panelsWB009
Cold AshSt Mark's ChurchWooden panel in churchWB010
Cold AshSt Mark's ChurchWooden tablet (Primitive Methodist)WB451
Cold AshSt Mark's ChurchStone Tablet (Baptist)WB452
Cold AshSt Mark's ChurchRoll of HonourWB453
Cold AshSt Marks' ChurchManuscript Roll of HonourWB385
CombeSt Swithun's ChurchWooden panel in churchWB024
CombeSt Swithun's ChurchStone tablet in churchWB025
ComptonSt Mary & St Nicholas churchStone tabletWB293
ComptonSt Mary & St Nicholas churchBrass plaqueWB295
ComptonSt Mary & St Nicholas churchFramed roll of honourWB296
ComptonSt Mary & St Nicholas churchyardStone crossWB294
East GarstonAll Saints' ChurchCWGC Marker (Lewis)WB170
East GarstonAll Saints' ChurchBrass plaqueWB237
East GarstonAll Saints' ChurchStone plaqueWB238
East GarstonJunction Rogers Lane & Back StGranite crossWB026
East IlsleyRidgeway, east of A34Stone (Grosvenor)WB354
East IlsleySt Mary's ChurchMarble tabletWB246
East IlsleySt Mary's ChurchyardFamily gravestone, CWGC (Gauntlett)WB247
EastburySt James the Great ChurchStone crossWB011
EastburySt James the Greater ChurchManuscript Roll of HonourWB386
EastburySt James the Greater ChurchManuscript Roll of HonourWB387
EastburySt James the Greater ChurchyardGraveWB388
EastburySt James the Greater ChurchyardGraveWB389
EastburySt James the Greater ChurchyardGraveWB390
EastburySt James the Greater ChurchyardGraveWB391
EastburySt James the Greater ChurchyardEtched windowWB392
EddingtonCemetery (St Saviour's)CWGC Marker (Bull)WB225
EddingtonCemetery (St Saviour's)CWGC Marker (Cook)WB226
EddingtonCemetery (St Saviour's)CWGC Marker (Henderson)WB227
EddingtonCemetery (St Saviour's)CWGC Marker (Hill)WB228
EddingtonCemetery (St Saviour's)CWGC Marker (Marchant)WB229
EddingtonCemetery (St Saviour's)CWGC Marker (McCarthy)WB230
EddingtonCemetery (St Saviour's)CWGC Marker (Orpin)WB231
EddingtonCemetery (St Saviour's)CWGC Marker (Robinson)WB232
EddingtonCemetery (St Saviour's)CWGC Marker (Rosier)WB233
EddingtonCemetery (St Saviour's)CWGC Marker (Townshend)WB234
EddingtonCemetery (St Saviour's)CWGC Marker (Tucker)WB235
EddingtonCemetery (St Saviour's)CWGC Marker (Appleby)WB236
EnborneSt Michael & All Angels' ChurchStone tablet in churchWB083
EnborneSt Michael & All Angels' ChurchStone tablet in churchWB084
EnborneSt Michael & All Angels' Churchyard SW partCWGC Marker (Purton)WB085
EnborneSt Michael & All Angels' Churchyard SW partGrave (Coxhead)WB252
EnglefieldSt Mark's ChurchWooden panel in churchWB027
FarnboroughAll Saints' ChurchBrass plaqueWB078
FarnboroughAll Saints' ChurchCWGC Marker (Arnold)WB079
FawleySt Mary's ChurchBattlefield cross (Wroughton)WB029
FawleySt Mary's ChurchStone tablet in churchWB030
FrilshamSt Frideswide's ChurchStone cross in churchyardWB141
FrilshamSt Frideswide's ChurchFramed scroll in churchWB142
GrazeleyHoly Trinity ChurchyardCWGC Marker (Jerrome)WB444
GrazeleyVillage HallWooden tabletWB415
Great SheffordSt Mary's ChurchyardStone crucifixWB018
GreenhamSt Mary's ChurchStained glass window and marble surroundWB298
GreenhamSt Mary's ChurchyardCWGC Marker (Asher)WB283
GreenhamSt Mary's ChurchyardCWGC Marker (Bew)WB284
GreenhamSt Mary's churchyardGranite celtic cross & kerbstonesWB384
Hampstead NorreysHampstead Norreys Primary SchoolPainted wooden panelWB314
Hampstead NorreysSt Mary's ChurchWall plaque in churchWB065
Hampstead NorreysSt Mary's ChurchFramed roll of honourWB066
Hampstead NorreysSt Mary's ChurchBrass plaqueWB067
Hampstead NorreysSt Mary's ChurchCWGC Marker (Barrett)WB068
Hampstead NorreysSt Mary's ChurchCWGC Marker (Bell)WB069
Hamstead MarshallHamstead Marshall ParkStone to US 501st Paras, Screaming EaglesWB513
Hamstead MarshallSt Mary's ChurchTabletWB399
Hamstead MarshallSt Mary's ChurchTabletWB400
Hamstead MarshallSt Mary's ChurchyardCWGC Marker (Coxhead)WB148
Hamstead MarshallSt Mary's ChurchyardCWGC Marker (Dalzell)WB149
HermitageHoly Trinity ChurchBrass plaqueWB070
HermitageHoly Trinity ChurchCWGC Marker (Shepherd)WB071
HermitageHoly Trinity ChurchStained glass windowWB072
HermitageHoly Trinity ChurchStone crossWB073
HermitageHoly Trinity ChurchGrave (Barlow)WB100
HermitageHoly Trinity ChurchStone TabletWB403
HermitageHoly Trinity ChurchHeadstoneWB449
HermitageHoly Trinity ChurchHeadstoneWB455
HungerfordBridge StStone columnWB147
HungerfordCroft Hall (formerly Church House Library & Club)Brass plaque.WB312
HungerfordHungerford Primary SchoolBrass plaque.WB361
HungerfordNat West BankBrass plaque.WB359
HungerfordNat West BankBrass plaque.WB360
HungerfordSt Lawrence's ChurchBrass plaqueWB221
HungerfordSt Lawrence's ChurchStone tabletWB222
HungerfordSt Lawrence's ChurchBrass plaqueWB223
HungerfordSt Lawrence's ChurchCrucifixion triptychWB224
HungerfordSt Lawrence's ChurchBrass plaqueWB508
HungerfordTown HallFramed roll of honourWB297
HungerfordTown HallFramed roll of honourWB299
InkpenMethodist Burying GroundCWGC Marker (Archer)WB094
InkpenMethodist Burying GroundCWGC Marker (Carter)WB095
InkpenMethodist Burying GroundGrave, CWGC (Hitchens)WB096
InkpenSt Michael & All Angel's ChurchPlaque in churchWB022
InkpenSt Michael & All Angel's ChurchStained glass window in churchWB023
InkpenSt Michael & All Angels' ChurchCWGC Marker (Bowers)WB089
InkpenWalbury HillStone to Paras, Merville BatteryWB504
KintburyChrist Church cemeteryCWGC Marker (Culley)WB244
KintburyChrist Church cemeteryCWGC Marker (Randall)WB245
KintburySt Mary the Virgin churchBrass plaque.WB357
KintburySt Mary the Virgin churchStone tabletWB358
KintburySt Mary's ChurchWooden panelWB243
KintburySt Mary's ChurchyardStone crossWB179
KintburySt Mary's ChurchyardHeadstoneWB407
LambournMemorial HallBrass plaqueWB242
LambournOxford StMemorial HallWB509
LambournSt Michael & All Angels ChurchStone crossWB012
LambournSt Michael and All Angel's ChurchBrass tablet on oak.WB380
LeckhampsteadVillage greenStone obeliskWB028
Lower BasildonSt Bartholomew's ChurchFramed roll of honourWB300
Lower BasildonSt Bartholomew's churchyardCWGC Marker (Cresswell)WB286
Lower BasildonSt Bartholomew's churchyardCWGC Marker (Edmonds)WB287
Lower BasildonSt Bartholomew's churchyardCWGC Marker (Gore)WB288
Lower BasildonSt Bartholomew's churchyardCWGC Marker (Gulliver)WB289
Lower BasildonSt Bartholomew's churchyardCWGC Marker (Hartley)WB290
Lower BasildonSt Bartholomew's churchyardCWGC Marker (Hayter)WB291
Lower BasildonSt Bartholomew's churchyardCWGC Marker (Waite)WB292
MarlstonSt Mary's ChurchyardHeadstoneWB414
MidghamSt Matthew's ChurchStone crossWB013
MortimerJunction of The Street and Hammonds HeathStone cross, bronze panelsWB161
MortimerSt Mary's churchyardCWGC Marker (Cox)WB306
MortimerSt Mary's churchyardFamily grave/CWGC (Lovelock)WB307
MortimerSt Mary's churchyardFamily grave/CWGC (Nathan)WB308
MortimerSt Mary's churchyardFamily grave/CWGC (Vince)WB309
MortimerSt Mary's churchyardFamily grave/CWGC (Farrant)WB310
NewburyBaptist ChurchBrass plaque.WB362
NewburyBritish Legion Hall, Pelican LaneStone to all fallenWB514
NewburyBritish Legion Hall, Pelican LanePlaque to HMS TigrisWB515
NewburyBritish Legion, Pelican LaneCommemorative plaque to US servicemenWB447
NewburyCorner of Andover Rd and Essex StStepped obeliskWB248
NewburyCorner of Newtown & St John's RoadsMemorial stoneWB404
NewburyFire StationTabletWB396
NewburyJunction Bartholomew St & West MillsCross and wall with bronze plaquesWB040
NewburyMemorial Hall, St BartsBrass plaqueWB505
NewburyMethodist Church, Northbrook StreetBrass tabletWB345
NewburyNat West BankTabletWB398
NewburyNewtown Road CemeteryFamily grave (Freeman)WB319
NewburyNewtown Road CemeteryFamily grave (Withers)WB320
NewburyNewtown Road CemeteryMarble scroll on pedestal + kerbstones + CWGC PlaqWB321
NewburyNewtown Road CemeteryCWGC Marker (Beckwith)WB322
NewburyNewtown Road CemeteryFamily grave (Crame)WB323
NewburyNewtown Road CemeteryCWGC Marker (Jessett)WB324
NewburyNewtown Road CemeteryCWGC Marker (Griffiths)WB325
NewburyNewtown Road CemeteryPseudo CWGC stone (Church)WB326
NewburyNewtown Road CemeteryFamily grave (Rawlings)WB327
NewburyNewtown Road CemeteryFamily grave (Nash)WB328
NewburyNewtown Road CemeteryFamily grave (Plenty)WB329
NewburyNewtown Road CemeteryFamily grave (Jackson) + CWGC plaqueWB330
NewburyNewtown Road CemeteryFamily grave (Richardson) + CWGC plaqueWB331
NewburyNewtown Road CemeteryFamily grave (Griffin)WB332
NewburyNewtown Road CemeteryCWGC Marker (Raynor)WB333
NewburyNewtown Road CemeteryCWGC Marker (Webb)WB334
NewburyNewtown Road CemeteryFamily grave (Davies)WB335
NewburyNewtown Road CemeteryFamily grave (Burton)WB336
NewburyNewtown Road CemeteryFamily grave (Pryke) + CWGC markerWB337
NewburyNewtown Road CemeteryFamily grave (Freeman) + CWGC markerWB338
NewburyNewtown Road CemeteryCWGC Marker (Quarterman)WB339
NewburyNewtown Road CemeteryCWGC Marker (Pearce)WB340
NewburyNewtown Road CemeteryFamily grave (Freemantle)WB341
NewburyNewtown Road CemeteryFamily grave (Digweed)WB342
NewburyNewtown Road CemeteryFamily Grave (Savage) + CWGC plaqueWB343
NewburyNewtown Road CemeteryFamily grave (Gilbert)WB344
NewburyNewtown Road CemeteryFamily grave (Skurray)WB347
NewburyNewtown Road CemeteryGravestone (Stott)WB363
NewburyNewtown Road CemeteryGravestone (Salway)WB364
NewburyNewtown Road CemeteryGravestone (Edwards)WB365
NewburyNewtown Road CemeteryGravestone (Maccabee)WB366
NewburyNewtown Road CemeteryGravestone (Carter/Baines)WB367
NewburyNewtown Road CemeteryGravestone (Rosier)WB368
NewburyNewtown Road CemeteryGravestone (Austin)WB369
NewburyNewtown Road CemeteryGravestone (Whiley)WB370
NewburyNewtown Road CemeteryFamily grave (Rogers)WB397
NewburyNewtown Road CemeteryGranite kerbstonesWB406
NewburyNewtown Road CemeteryKerbed graveWB421
NewburyNewtown Road CemeteryGravestone and Plaque (Shield)WB422
NewburyNewtown Road CemeteryKerbed graveWB423
NewburyNewtown Road CemeteryGravestoneWB424
NewburyNewtown Road CemeteryKerbed grave and Plaque (Scroll)WB425
NewburyNewtown Road CemeteryGravestoneWB426
NewburyNewtown Road CemeteryKerbed graveWB427
NewburyNewtown Road CemeteryGravestoneWB428
NewburyNewtown Road CemeteryHeadstone (fallen) and plaque (book)WB429
NewburyNewtown Road CemeteryKerbed grave with cross (fallen)WB430
NewburyNewtown Road CemeteryKerbed grave with plaqueWB431
NewburyNewtown Road CemeteryGravestoneWB433
NewburyNewtown Road CemeteryGravestoneWB434
NewburyNewtown Road CemeteryGravestoneWB435
NewburyNewtown Road CemeteryGravestoneWB436
NewburyNewtown Road CemeteryGravestoneWB437
NewburyNewtown Road CemeteryGravestoneWB438
NewburyNewtown Road CemeteryGravestoneWB446
NewburyPost Office, Cheap StBrass plaqueWB150
NewburyPost Office, Cheap StBrass plaqueWB151
NewburyPrimitive Methodist ChurchWindowWB417
NewburyShaw CemeteryMemorial stoneWB108
NewburyShaw CemeteryCWGC Marker (Atkins)WB109
NewburyShaw CemeteryCWGC Marker (Baker)WB110
NewburyShaw CemeteryCWGC Marker (Baldwin)WB111
NewburyShaw CemeteryCWGC Marker (Barber )WB112
NewburyShaw CemeteryCWGC Marker (Bew)WB113
NewburyShaw CemeteryCWGC Marker (Blood )WB114
NewburyShaw CemeteryCWGC Marker (Bright)WB115
NewburyShaw CemeteryCWGC Marker (Brown)WB116
NewburyShaw CemeteryCWGC Marker (Claridge)WB117
NewburyShaw CemeteryCWGC Marker (Dunn )WB118
NewburyShaw CemeteryCWGC Marker (Elliott)WB119
NewburyShaw CemeteryCWGC Marker (Eves)WB120
NewburyShaw CemeteryCWGC Marker (Grigg)WB121
NewburyShaw CemeteryCWGC Marker (Holmes)WB122
NewburyShaw CemeteryCWGC Marker (Hughes)WB123
NewburyShaw CemeteryCWGC Marker (Jennings)WB124
NewburyShaw CemeteryCWGC Marker (Jobbins)WB125
NewburyShaw CemeteryCWGC Marker (King)WB126
NewburyShaw CemeteryCWGC Marker (Lovelock)WB127
NewburyShaw CemeteryCWGC Marker (Pearce)WB128
NewburyShaw CemeteryCWGC Marker (Perkins)WB129
NewburyShaw CemeteryCWGC Marker (Pimlott)WB130
NewburyShaw CemeteryCWGC Marker (Pink)WB131
NewburyShaw CemeteryCWGC Marker (Ravenscroft)WB132
NewburyShaw CemeteryCWGC Marker (Rickinson)WB133
NewburyShaw CemeteryCWGC Marker (Urquhart)WB134
NewburyShaw CemeteryCWGC Marker (Watson)WB135
NewburyShaw CemeteryCWGC Marker (Wellington)WB136
NewburyShaw CemeteryCWGC Marker (Whitehorn)WB137
NewburyShaw CemeteryCWGC Marker (Wilkins)WB138
NewburyShaw CemeteryCWGC Marker (Williams)WB139
NewburyShaw CemeteryCWGC Marker (Woodman)WB140
NewburyShaw CemeteryGrave (Johnson)WB262
NewburyShaw CemeteryGravestoneWB454
NewburyShaw Cemetery ChapelFramed roll of honourWB442
NewburySt Bartholomew's School, Wormestall buildingBrass plaqueWB154
NewburySt Bartholomew's School, Wormestall buildingBrass plaqueWB155
NewburySt Bartholomew's School, Wormestall buildingBrass plaque & replica swordWB156
NewburySt John's ChurchWindow & Roll of Honour boardWB418
NewburySt Nicolas churchPlaque to HMS TigrisWB502
NewburySt Nicolas churchPlaque to Burma Campaign WW2WB503
NewburySt Nicolas Church TowerBrass tablet on oak.WB317
NewburySt Nicolas' ChurchWooden panelWB082
NewburySt Nicolas' ChurchFramed scrollWB086
NewburySt Nicolas' ChurchMetal plaqueWB087
NewburySt Nicolas' ChurchSpeenhamland ShrineWB088
NewburySt Nicolas' ChurchLitany deskWB419
NewburyTown Hall Gilded wood tabletWB311
NewburyTown Hall Brass tablet, stone mountWB318 MemorialWB640
OareSt Bartholomew's ChapelStone tabletWB055
PadworthSt John the Baptist ChurchStone crossWB031
PadworthSt John the Baptist ChurchHeadstone (family)WB445
PangbourneFalklands Chapel GardenStone plaqueWB506
PangbourneFalklands Chapel GardenGardenWB507
PangbournePangbourne CollegeChapelWB202
PangbournePangbourne College (Falklands Chapel)Stained glass window and bronze plaqueWB203
PangbournePangbourne College (Falklands Chapel)Book of RemembranceWB204
PangbournePangbourne College (Falklands Chapel)Book of RemembranceWB205
PangbourneSt James the LessBrick plinth/stone panels/stone crossWB041
PangbourneSt James the LessBrass tabletWB042
PangbourneSt James the LessStained glass windowWB043
PangbourneSt James the LessFramed roll of honourWB044
PangbourneSt James the LessStained glass windowWB045
PangbourneSt James the LessGrave (Taylor)WB049
PangbourneSt James the LessGrave, CWGC (West)WB050
PangbourneSt James the LessCWGC Marker (Terry)WB051
PangbourneSt James the LessGrave, CWGC (Sparrowhawk)WB052
PangbourneSt James the LessCWGC Marker (Clarke)WB053
PangbourneSt James the LessCWGC Marker (Allen)WB054
PangbourneSt James the Less ChurchBrass plaqueWB097
PangbourneSt James the Less ChurchGrave (Aldworth)WB098
PangbourneSt James the Less ChurchGrave (West)WB099
PeasemoreSt Barnabas' churchWooden boardWB180
PeasemoreSt Barnabas' churchyardCWGC Marker (Harris)WB181
PeasemoreVillage HallWooden panel (loose)WB014
PurleySt Mary's ChurchMarble tabletWB348
PurleySt Mary's ChurchBrass plaque.WB349
PurleySt Mary's ChurchBrass TabletWB401
PurleySt Mary's ChurchBronze TabletWB402
PurleySt Mary's ChurchBrass tabletWB420
PurleySt Mary's ChurchyardCWGC Marker (Elliott)WB215
PurleySt Mary's ChurchyardFamily stone (Rawlins)WB216
PurleySt Mary's ChurchyardFamily grave (Nicholls)WB350
ShawShaw CemeteryFamily grave (Dry)WB443
ShawSt Mary's ChurchStone crossWB015
ShawSt Mary's ChurchWooden plaqueWB255
ShawSt Mary's ChurchBrass plaqueWB256
ShawSt Mary's ChurchBrass plaqueWB257
ShawSt Mary's ChurchStone tabletWB258
ShawSt Mary's ChurchStained glass windowWB259
ShawSt Mary's ChurchStained glass windowWB260
ShawSt Mary's ChurchBrass plaqueWB261
ShawSt Mary's ChurchyardCWGC Marker (Richardson)WB249
ShawSt Mary's ChurchyardCWGC Marker (Deacon)WB250
ShawSt Mary's ChurchyardCWGC Marker (Ayres)WB251
ShawSt Mary's ChurchyardCWGC Marker (Barwood)WB253
ShawSt Mary's ChurchyardCWGC Marker (RAFVR)WB254
ShawSt Mary's ChurchyardHeadstoneWB441
Shefford WoodlandsSt Stephen's ChurchStained glass windows and ceramic tile plaqueWB080
Shefford WoodlandsSt Stephen's ChurchCarved pew (Hudson)WB081
SpeenJunction A4 & Speen LaneBrick & stone crossWB032
SpeenSt Mary the VirginFamily gravestone, CWGC (Lipscombe)WB165
SpeenSt Mary the VirginCWGC Marker (Philbey)WB166
SpeenSt Mary the VirginFamily gravestone, CWGC (Stuart)WB167
SpeenSt Mary the VirginBrass plaque in churchWB168
SpeenSt Mary the VirginStone tablet in churchWB169
SpeenSt Mary's ChurchyardGrave (Belcher)WB378
SpeenSt Mary's ChurchyardGrave (Daukes)WB379
SpeenSt Mary's churchyardGranite celtic crossWB381
SpeenSt Mary's churchyardPolished granite crossWB382
SpeenSt Mary's churchyardGranite kerbsWB383
SpeenSt Mary's churchyardLost grave markerWB393
SpeenhamlandSt Mary's SchoolPainted wooden triptychWB313
Stanford DingleySt Denys' ChurchStone & Marble tablet in churchWB016
Stanford DingleySt Denys' ChurchBrass plaqueWB206
StockcrossSt John's ChurchSlate tabletWB394
StockcrossSt John's ChurchSlate tabletWB395
StockcrossSt John's ChurchStained glass windowWB512
StockcrossSt John's ChurchyardHeadstoneWB408
StockcrossSt John's ChurchyardHeadstoneWB409
StockcrossSt John's ChurchyardHeadstoneWB410
StockcrossSt John's ChurchyardKerbed graveWB411
StockcrossSt John's ChurchyardHeadstoneWB412
StreatleySt Mary's ChurchStone crossWB046
StreatleySt Mary's ChurchCWGC Marker (Goodenough)WB047
StreatleySt Mary's ChurchFamily stone (Rogers)WB048
SulhamSt Nicholas' churchStone tablet in churchWB200
SulhamSt Nicholas' churchyardGrave (Hambleton)WB201
SulhamsteadThames Valley Police CollegeColleague memorialWB356
Sulhamstead AbbotsSt Mary's churchyardGrave (Thoyts)WB263
Sulhamstead BannisterSt Michael's churchyard (church demolished)Stone (celtic) cross & stone plaqueWB195
ThatchamLondon Rd CemeteryCWGC Marker (Allen)WB273
ThatchamLondon Rd CemeteryCWGC Marker (Cook)WB274
ThatchamLondon Rd CemeteryGrave, CWGC (Davies)WB275
ThatchamLondon Rd CemeteryCWGC Marker (Dodd)WB276
ThatchamLondon Rd CemeteryCWGC Marker (Fry)WB277
ThatchamLondon Rd CemeteryCWGC Marker (Haines)WB278
ThatchamLondon Rd CemeteryCWGC Marker (Hawkins)WB279
ThatchamLondon Rd CemeteryCWGC Marker (Ralph)WB280
ThatchamLondon Rd CemeteryGrave, CWGC (Rutter)WB281
ThatchamLondon Rd CemeteryGrave (Rutter)WB282
ThatchamLondon Rd CemeteryCWGC Marker (Brown)WB439
ThatchamMemorial Hall car parkStone crossWB035
ThatchamSt Mary's ChurchMarble plaqueWB271
ThatchamSt Mary's ChurchFramed roll of honourWB272
ThatchamThe BroadwayOfficial VC flagstoneWB432
ThealeHoly Trinity ChurchStone crossWB036
ThealeHoly Trinity ChurchBrass tabletWB346
ThealeHoly Trinity ChurchWooden tabletWB413
ThealeHoly Trinity churchyardCWGC Marker (Furze)WB267
ThealeHoly Trinity churchyardCWGC Marker (Herbert)WB268
ThealeHoly Trinity churchyardGrave (Conran)WB269
ThealeHoly Trinity churchyardGrave, CWGC (Wiggins)WB270
TidmarshSt Laurence's churchBronze plaqueWB182
TidmarshSt Laurence's churchBronze plaqueWB183
TidmarshSt Laurence's churchyardCWGC Marker (Bushell)WB184
Tutts ClumpMethodist ChapelTabletWB316
Ufton NervetSt Peter's ChurchStone cross in churchyardWB143
Ufton NervetSt Peter's churchyardGrave, CWGC (Wicks)WB264
Ufton NervetSt Peter's churchyardCWGC Marker (Taylor)WB265
Ufton NervetSt Peter's churchyardCWGC Marker (Lacaille)WB266
Upper BasildonSt Stephen's ChurchStone of remembranceWB037
Upper BuckleburyBucklebury CemeteryCWGC Marker (Vallis)WB198
Upper LambournCemeteryCWGC Marker (Fisher)WB239
Upper LambournCemeteryCWGC Marker (Taylor)WB240
Upper LambournCemeteryGrave, CWGC (Brind)WB241
WasingSt Nicholas ChurchSlate tablet, roll of honourWB017
WasingSt Nicholas ChurchSlate tabletWB351
WasingSt Nicholas ChurchBrass plaque.WB353
WasingSt Nicholas ChurchyardFamily grave (Chandler)WB352
WelfordSt Gregory's ChurchWooden panel in churchWB033
WelfordSt Gregory's ChurchCWGC Marker (Huntley)WB171
WelfordSt Gregory's ChurchKerbed grave (Lawrence)WB172
WelfordSt Gregory's ChurchKerbed grave with headstone & supplementary stoneWB173
WelfordWelford RdStone crossWB034
West IlsleyAll Saints' ChurchStone crossWB074
West IlsleyAll Saints' ChurchFramed roll of honourWB075
West IlsleyAll Saints' ChurchFramed roll of honourWB076
West IlsleyAll Saints', S.W. of ChurchCWGC Marker (Revell)WB077
West WoodhaySt Laurence's ChurchWooden panel in churchWB019
West WoodhaySt Laurence's ChurchStone tablet in churchWB020
West WoodhaySt Laurence's ChurchBrass plaqueWB021
West WoodhaySt Laurence's ChurchBrass plaqueWB090
West WoodhaySt Laurence's ChurchyardGrave, CWGC (Cowie)WB091
West WoodhaySt Laurence's ChurchyardGrave (Cole)WB092
West WoodhaySt Laurence's ChurchyardGrave (Cole)WB093
WinterbourneChapel of St James the LessStone tabletWB440
WinterbourneWinterbourne ArmsStone crossWB061
WinterbourneWinterbourne ChurchyardCWGC HeadstoneWB450
Woodlands St MarySt Mary's ChurchBrass plaqueWB217
Woodlands St MarySt Mary's ChurchBrass plaqueWB218
Woodlands St MarySt Mary's ChurchBrass plaqueWB219
Woodlands St MarySt Mary's ChurchBrass plaqueWB220
Woodlands St MarySt Mary's ChurchyardCWGC Marker (Choules)WB153
WoolhamptonDouai AbbeyStained glass window and scrollWB371
WoolhamptonSt Peter's ChurchFramed roll of honourWB374
WoolhamptonSt Peter's ChurchFramed roll of honourWB375
WoolhamptonSt Peter's ChurchyardStone crossWB373
WoolhamptonSt Peter's ChurchyardCWGC (Gurowski)WB376
WoolhamptonSt Peter's ChurchyardCWGC (Humphries)WB377
WoolhamptonSt Peter's ChurchyardStone crossWB405
YattendonSt Peter & St Paul's ChurchStone tablet in churchWB101
YattendonSt Peter & St Paul's ChurchStone tablet in churchWB102
YattendonSt Peter & St Paul's ChurchCWGC Marker (Ilsley)WB103
YattendonSt Peter & St Paul's ChurchCWGC Marker (Martin)WB104
YattendonSt Peter & St Paul's ChurchCWGC Marker (Pizzey)WB105
YattendonSt Peter & St Paul's ChurchBattlefield cross (Gull)WB106
YattendonSt Peter & St Paul's ChurchFramed scrollWB107

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 Died this day:
24 January 1944
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British Legion

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