

Click on image to enlarge

Location:Junction of The Street and Hammonds Heath
OS Map Ref:SU656645
Description:Stone cross, bronze panels
Book:Mortimer at War
  Author(s):Mortimer Local History Group
  Publisher:Mortimer Local History Group


In / memory of / Mortimer / men / who fell / in the / Great War / 1914-1918
Ernest George Andrews
Albert John Bailey
Albert Samuel Barrett
Henry Stephen Barrett
William Barrett
Arthur George Bushell
Archie William Bushnell MM
Charles Bushnell
Frederick Charles Bushnell
Alfred Arthur Chamberlain
E Frederick Chamberlain
William John Clarke
Edwin Joseph Cox
John William Cox
Archibald Farrant
Jesse Flitter

1945 – 1995
This plaque is to commemorate / 50 years of freedom from global conflict / and is dedicated to those / who have given their lives in / defence of that freedom and democracy.

John Gosling
William Gosling
Samuel Gould MM
Arthur Edward Illman
Richard Lansley Jackson
Joseph Kimber
Alfred John King
Frederick T King
Ernest Edward Kirby
Charles Henry Marshall
William Megraw
Albert McCullough
Alfred McCullough
Joseph Cyril Monday
William Garlick Neville
William Alfred Nicholson
Charles Gordon Paramore
Harold Wills Preece
Sidney Ragget

Erected by parishioners of / Mortimer / 1921

Frederick Reeves
John Sibley
Leonard Snell
Albert Harry Steel
Jesse Sweetzer
George Beaumont Tyser
George Frederick Upstone
Walter Vince
Ernest Wheeler
Charles H Whitburn
Arthur E Wickens
Charles Wickens
George Henry Wickens
Harold J Wickens
Ernest William Wilde
Frederick Wilde
Frederick Mortimer Wise
Henry Francis Woodward
Harry George Yates

Robert William Anderson
James William Fawcus
Kenneth George Gleave
Joseph George Hailstone
George Henry Hale
Frederick George Johnson
William Harold Blyth Lesslie
Arthur Charles May
Eric Victor Mitchell
Walter James Wilfred Wrigglesworth

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 Died this day:
27 July 1916
Arthur Lainsbury

British Legion

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