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Location:St John's Church
OS Map Ref:SU434683
Description:Slate tablet
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Pray for the men of Stockcross & Marsh Benham who gave their lives in the Great War 1914-1919
Lewis Albert Beckinsale
William Bloomfield
Harry Calkin
Cyril Calkin
Albert Darling
Arthur Francis
James Fuller
Geo Mount Haines
Albert Harper
William Harper
Stanley Hillier
Albert Ed Hine
Albert Thos Johnson
Alfred Kemp
Arthur Lainsbury
Frank Martin
Archibald Palmer
Fredk Palmer
George Palmer
James Pocock
Joseph Pocock
Sydney Pocock
Albert Pothecary
Richard Vincent Sutton
Harry Thorne
Wm Willis
Robert Winter

What the papers said:

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Stockcross War Memorial – Dedication Service, 4 Oct 1922.

Newbury Weekly News, 5 Oct 1922

Stockcross Memorial - Last Night's Unveiling

The inhabitants of Stockcross and Marsh Benham assembled at their Parish Church last night to pay public honour to their sons who gave their lives in the great fight for liberty. It was an impressive occsasion. The spacious church was filled to overflowing to take part in the dedication of the new chapel, with its beautiful memorial window emblematical of the men who responded to their country's call, sacrificing all that they held most dear, and to witness the unveiling of the tablet, whiuch had been placed there recording the names of the Fallen. The chapel was dedicated by the Right Reverend Bishop Shaw, Archdeacon of Oxford, whilst the unveiling was performed by Brigadier-General G Rennie, DSO. The Rev C F Trower, Vicar of the Parish, also took part in the service, the other surpliced clergymen present being the Rural Dean, the Rev A W Edwards, and the Rev H W Trotter, Chaplain of the Forces.


As the congregation was assembling, the organist, Mr Ernest Brown, played "O rest in the Lord," and then the service started with the expressive hymn:

       Praise to the Holiest in the height,

       And in the depth he praise;


After the opening sentences, Psalm 27. "The Lord is my light and my salvation," was chanted. The Lesson, which was read by the Vicar, was from Revelations XXI. Then after the Lord's Prayer, the Bishop, who was wearing his cope and mitre and carrrying his pastoral staff, together with General Rennie in uniform, and the Churchwardens, Messrs Cecil Sutton and J Howard, proceeded to the new chapel. The Bishop performed the dedication with the words: "To the honour and glory of Almighty God, in the faith of a joyful resurrection, and looking for the mercy of our Lord Jesus Christ, we dedicate this chapel in the loving memory of His servants."


He then read out each of the 27 names of the fallen. Then followed the unveiling, General Rennie drawing aside the flag which veiled the tablet with the words:


"The the glory of God and in honour of the men of Stockcross and Marsh Benham, who died in the Great War, I unveil this memorial tablet."


This, the most impressive part of the service, concluded with the sounding of the Last Post by two trumpeters stationed at the back of the Church. Subsequently the Bishop, standing at the lectern, delivered an address. The hymn, "O let him whose sorrow," was followed by more prayers, and a notable service concluded with the singing of "O God, our help in ages past," and the Blessing, announced by the Bishop.


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 Died this day:
27 July 1916
F G Breach

British Legion

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